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Dental Crowns and Bridges

What Are Dental Crowns?

It’s time to perfect your smile! Look for dental crowns by expert dentists to restore the appearance of your tooth to its former glory.

A crown is a prosthetic device cemented onto a damaged tooth to restore its condition. Unlike dentures, these are not temporary fixtures and can only be removed (if needed) by dentists.

dental crown orange county ca

Crowns are made of several materials. These include:

  • Porcelain bonded with precious metals
  • Gold alloy crowns
  • Ceramic
  • Porcelain
  • Glass
  • Metal alloys

Porcelain and ceramic crowns look natural and match well with the existing set of teeth. However, ceramic crowns are more durable than porcelain ones.

What’s the process of dental crowning?

For placing a crown, the tooth is filed out initially to make way for the crown. If parts are missing, the area will be filled up for the crown to impart a natural shape to the tooth. Impressions are taken either digitally or with the help of putty to create the crown.

In the meantime, the patient is given a temporary crown covering the teeth.

Once the crown is ready, the temporary one is removed and replaced with the permanent one.

Why does a person need a dental crown?

From a cosmetic standpoint, crowns generally uplift the appearance of the teeth and make them look finer and whiter. However, other than its aesthetic beauty, it also makes the teeth strong and supports their health.

There are multiple reasons why a person might go to expert dentists.

These are:

  1. To treat severely discoloured teeth that cannot be saved by teeth whitening treatments
  2. Presence of cracked or chipped tooth
  3. Decayed or damaged teeth
  4. Inappropriate biting habits
  5. Deformed teeth
  6. Inability to chew properly
  7. Requiring additional support
  8. Worn-out surfaces due to chewing or grinding of teeth
  9. To finish off a root canal therapy
  10. To support a dental implant

When should you look for the best dental crown dentist in Anaheim, Orange County?

Based in Orange County, visiting Dental Implants Orange County would be a convenient option if you feel pain, have a disheveled appearance, or fear that a tooth is chipped.

Its proximity is an add-on, as all crown procedures require two appointments to get it done. Also, dentists here provide post-procedure care instructions to make your crowns last longer than intended.

Dental Implants Orange County’s dentist is one such person who treats your teeth with care and perfection. Getting treated under his expertise ensures a successful oral recovery.

Our Expert Dentists Offer Affordable Dental Crowns and Bridges in Orange County, CA. Call For a Free Consultation (888) 204-5010

Contact Us For Dental Crowns and Bridges
Our Expert Dentists Offer Affordable Dental Crowns and Bridges in Orange County, CA.
Free Consultation (888) 204-5010

Make your dream smile a reality!

Book an appointment with Orange County Dental Implants today!